Algorand Developer Marketing

Team: Catchy Agency
Client: Algorand Foundation
Role: Art Director // Lead Designer

Project Goal: The Algorand Foundation needed to increase the number of qualified developers in their ecosystem but faced challenges with awareness, adoption, and engagement. Catchy created an integrated developer marketing program that brought new developers to Web3, got them building on the Algorand blockchain, and supported their growth within the ecosystem.

Design/Visual Approach: Create design systems for several of Algorand Foundation’s initiatives such as the Developer Greenhouse, ACE (Algorand Center of Excellence), paid social, and Decipher. All campaigns are centered around inclusivity and diversity within the developer community while also promoting Algorand as the greenest blockchain.

Results: Successful first live event for Developer Greenhouse at Garden by the Bay in Singapore and multiple virtual hackathons. The total reach across this integrated developer marketing campaign resulted in 114million campaign impressions, and 794 thousand paid clicks.

The primary logo

The logo created ties into Algorands “window” element.

Algorand Foundation Symbol

How the Alogrand Foundation logo is created and applied in their primary brand

What makes up the Developer Greenhouse?


Greenhouse Tech Talks is a series of global events that bring our community of developers together. Developers have will have the opportunity to meet and connect with Algorand technology leaders and Investors. These developer-focused events will consist of panel discussions, partner presentations, keynote speeches and networking opportunities, as well as provide a platform for our awesome Greenhouse Developers to showcase what they’re working on.


The Algorand Foundation invites you to join us in a Hack Shack near you, where we will host workshops on how to start building on Algorand as well as on more complex topics like ASAs, Smart Contract integration, protocol architecture, UI/UX, DSL builds… and how to partake in one of our Greenhouse Virtual Hacks. With high speed internet, unlimited tea & coffee, plenty of snacks and a comfortable workstation, you’ll have everything you need to build your project on Algorand.


Algorand has partnered with Gitcoin to bring you Greenhouse Virtual Hacks. Each hackathon in the series will be an online, virtual hack and will run for approximately 5 weeks so you can showcase your skills no matter where you are in the world!

Algorand Center of Excellence (ACE)

Updating the ACE website to better align with Algorand’s goal of Web3 education and innovative technology around the world.

View the live site here >


PayJunction NCPI Campaign


Intel AI Developer Campaign